Zenit Ad on Feb. 9th

Posted by Jeffrey Pinyan at 8:44 PM

I've got another ad in ZENIT on Tuesday:

Praying the Mass: The Prayers of the People (2nd edition) - A Guide to the New English Translation of the Mass

Praying the Mass: The Prayers of the People is a thorough yet accessible catechesis on the Mass based on the new English translation of the Roman Missal.  It explains why we pray what we pray, where it comes from in Scripture, and what it means.  It is a mystagogical catechesis which interprets the rites of the Mass in light of salvation history, explains their meaning and purpose, and relates them to the Christian life.  Read Praying the Mass to enhance your full, conscious, and active participation in the greatest prayer that can be prayed, the Mass!

172 pages (12 new pages), $12.00
Link: http://www.prayingthemass.com/?zenit