On page 7, the following sentences could use some clarification:
In late 2008, a new English translation of a portion of the 2002 edition of the Roman Missal was approved by the Holy See. This portion, known as the “ordinary” or the “Order of Mass,” makes up the unchanging structure of the Mass. Upon its completion (by Advent of 2010 or 2011), this new translation will be used wherever the Roman Rite is celebrated in English.The Order of Mass translation has already been approved; the translation of the Propers (the variable parts of the Mass) have yet to be approved. Once the Propers have been approved, then the translation of the whole Roman Missal will be completed and, after a suitable period of catechesis, the new translation will be introduced for liturgical use. We will not use the new translation of the Order of Mass before the whole Roman Missal is approved.
The sentences have been changed to:
In late 2008, a new English translation of a portion of the 2002 edition of the Roman Missal was approved by the Holy See.4 After the entirety of the new translation has been approved, and after a suitable period of catechesis, the new translation will be used wherever the Roman Rite is celebrated in English.
4 This portion, known as the “ordinary” or the “Order of Mass,” makes up the unchanging structure of the Mass. The parts of Mass that change from one liturgical day to the next are called the “Propers.” This book is concerned with the Order of the Mass, not the Propers.
On page 22, the sentence that begins "In the book of the prophet Ezekiel", the phrase "God tells Ezekiel to walk through Jerusalem" should be "God tells a certain man to walk through Jerusalem". Ezekiel merely hears this command, he is not the recipient of it.