Air Date: November 28, 2010 (11 AM) / December 3, 2010 (2 PM)
Topic: Liturgy of the Word: Readings, Responsorial Psalm, Alleluia, Gospel
- Liturgy of the Eucharist
- Episode 7: Introduction, Offertory
- Episode 8: Prayer over the Offerings, Eucharistic Prayer (Introduction, Preface, Sanctus)
- Episode 9: Eucharistic Prayer (priest's prayer)
- Episode 10: Our Father, Rite of Peace
- Episode 11: Lamb of God, Fraction/Mingling, Preparation for Communion
- Episode 12: Communion, Ablutions, Post-Communion Prayer
- Introduction
- Three parts
- Offertory
- Eucharistic Prayer
- Communion Rite
- Five "movements" (based on the Roman Canon, Eucharistic Prayer I)
- He took bread in his holy and venerable hands (Offertory)
- and with his eyes raised to heaven to you, O God, his almighty Father, giving you thanks (Preface)
- he said the blessing (Consecration)
- broke the bread (Fraction)
- and gave it to his disciples (Communion)
- Preparation of the Altar
- Altar cloths
- Sacred vessels
- Offertory Procession (Presentation of the Gifts)
- Financial Offerings
- Bread and Wine
- Preparation of the Gifts
- "Blessed are you..." (bread)
- "Blessed be God forever"
- Mixing of the water and the wine ("By the mystery of this water and wine...")
- "Blessed are you..." (wine)
- "With humble spirit..."
- "Wash me, O Lord..."
- Next episode
- Prayer over the Offerings
- Eucharistic Prayer (Introduction, Preface, Sanctus)
- Contact me
- Send questions to
- Questions answered on the web site, not on the air
- Consider buying the Praying the Mass series!